The geographical area corresponding to the GI of Đoan Hùng pomelo fruit includes: Doan Hung district (16 communes), Phu Tho province.
Doan Hung is a mountainous district in the north of Phu Tho province of the Northeast region of Vietnam. Pomelos have been planted in Doan
Hung for years and renowned for its aroma, deliciousness, sweetness and juiciness. Đoan Hùng pomelo has been famous and appreciated
nationwide for its special quality. Đoan Hùng pomelos were often opted as a premium offering to the Kings on festive occasions. In the Fall – Winter campaign of 1947, Đoan Hùng pomelo fruits were recorded in the national history when they were blackened as disguised torpedos to be dropped into Lo river (on the side
of Huu Do) aiming at ambushing the enemy. Đoan Hùng pomelo plants are grown on flat terrains, low mounds and low hills with
suitable soil, which is developed on either ancient alluvial soil or extended alluvial soil.
The pomelo orchards are surrounded by the rivers of Lo and Chay. This creates a favourable climate environment with good temperature
conditions during the growth phases of pomelo plants, especially sprouting, blossoming and fructification. Moreover, the aromatic fragrance and sweet taste with a high storage capacity of up to 6 months of Đoan Hùng pomelos derive from the experiences and traditional production
practices of the locals (cultivar selection, orchard care and fruit harvest).

Đoan Hùng pomelo includes two precious varieties:
- Bằng Luân pomelo: this round-shaped fruit is of small size and has thin skin, grayish yellow with brownish color, small and fine oil sacs. The fruit flesh is white and thin with easy-to-separate segments, semi-hollow shaft, blue-white and succulent vesicles. It has a specific fragrance associated with deep sweetness and no extreme bitterness.
-Sửu pomelo (Chi Đám pomelo): this round-shaped fruit is slightly convex at the stem side. The fruit has a big size with a nice shape and thin skin. It is of a green-yellow color and has small and fine attar sacs. The fruit flesh is white and thin with easy-to-separate segments, semi-hollow shaft, pink and soft juicy vesicles, strong aroma, light sweetness and no extreme bitterness.